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Yoga Korunta

Life & Politics

Location: United States

One learns, as nothing endures but change.

24 August 2006

"He's An Idiot" Trial Ballon

Kathleen Reardon

The "He's An Idiot" Trial Balloon and What Will Happen If It Floats (84 comments )
READ MORE: 2006, Washington Post, 2008, Israel, George W. Bush
This is trial balloon season for the Republican strategists. They launched a crafty one recently with several big benefits if it stays in the air.
This new balloon involves a cadre of avid Bush backers suddenly saying "He's an idiot."
One of the beauties of this strategy is that it looks as though these overnight Bush detractors have had a change of heart.
They've finally, and suddenly, seen the light - agreeing with liberals.
In It's All Politics, I describe political intuition -- how to notice "disconnects"(when something isn't quite right) as signals that something is amiss, so you'd better open your eyes. Political intuition calls for sensing when actions are counterintuitive or violate some typical pattern.
Think about it. If selected, visible, staunch Bush supporters begin talking about how intellectually wanting the President is, with his full knowledge and collaboration (such as chewing with his mouth open, striding motorcycles, goofing around with unappreciative world leaders), there won't be an anti-Bush platform for the Democrats. In fact, if these balloonists play their cards right, it will seem as if there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats. Everyone will be anti-Bush. The playing field will be leveled.
It's an excellent "inoculation" tactic, too, against a possible impeachment move should the Democrats win enough seats in November. Inoculation, a persuasion strategy, works by telling people in advance of an anticipated negative event how to think about it. A phone company intending to introduce rate hikes might run ads about how people just don't use their phone books enough. Then when the rates are raised, we know who to blame -- ourselves.
Should the Democrats win enough seats in November to threaten impeachment, the "He's an idiot" strategy will work wonders. Republican leaders will ask: "Does this country really want to impeach a guy who just didn't know what he was doing?" If the Democrats push for penalties, the Republicans will argue, "We're not the party that wants to vilify a president who, like so many of us and even some of his esteemed predecessors, just isn't terribly bright." And, "We agree he isn't intellectually gifted, now let's move on. What else do you have?"
The Democratic anti-Bush advantage will fizzle and die before our eyes if this excuse balloon floats. Disillusioned Republicans will drift back because there will be a number of their own agreeing with them about Bush's limitations. That's how clever these guys are.
Apparently Blair got the "We're-going-to-say-he's-an-idiot" e-mail. The Daily Mail reported:
"A senior Downing Street source said that, privately, Mr. Blair broadly agrees with John Prescott, who said Mr. Bush's record on the issue was 'crap'.
The source said: "We all feel badly let down by Bush. We thought we had persuaded him to take the Israel-Palestine situation seriously, but we were wrong. How can anyone have faith in a man of such low intellect?"
As we all know, they're very clever indeed in the Republican win-by-any-means camp. Even the Washington Post reported this "He's an idiot" strategy as some kind of "turning on Bush" among high profile previous supporters. They must be laughing their socks off. And, since Barnes and others are not joining the choir yet on this one, they can pull this balloon back in if we notice it in the air. Let it float and we may pay with 8 more years starting in 2008.
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Blogger Pursey Tuttweiler said...

You could be on to something brilliant here, Yoga. I agree most with the "why impeach the guy for just being stupid" strategy. This is a fantastic post.

Blogger Yoga Korunta said...

The credit goes to Kathleen, but thanks for reading! I wouldn't impeach for stupidity, but would for actions. The country as a whole will continue suffering for his arrogance.

Blogger Greco-Roman said...

Impeachment would be for the illegal war in Iraq, for creating this horrible debt, and for outing Valerie Plame.

To identity a man or woman who is working undercover is an act of cowardice, and treason. What a disgrace.

Blogger Yoga Korunta said...

Absolutely, Rhesus. As a friend once observed, who put Hitler in power?

The Republicans like accountability. It's a good idea and one with which this blog agrees. How are we to cope when the system of checks and balances doesn't function? What have we left for our children?

Blogger Greco-Roman said...

Outing a blogger is an ugly thing to do also. I hope that loosens the paper sack enough for you. Remember Pinny?

Blogger Yoga Korunta said...

Rhesus, as memory serves, no real name was used with the exception of my own.* A comment was made to Pinny, but with a published blog name. Please email; I don't know what you mean.

I would no more out a blogger than harm a woman.

*Unlike many blogs, there is nothing written here that would not be said face to face.


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