Tuesday's Word

meniscus* (men-is'kus) [Gr. meniskos, crescent]. (pl. menisci) 1. Concavoconvex lens. 2. Interarticular fibrocartilage of crescent shape, found in certain joints, esp. the lateral and medial menisci (semilunar cartilages) of the knee joint. 3. The curved upper surface of a liquid in a container. The surface is convex if the liquid does not wet the container and concave if it does.
This week's Word comes by way of aquaintances' suggestions.
GREAT weekly woid!
Thanks, Rose!
Found you over at the Blue Gal.
I have two suggestions -- words I've long considered fun and unusual:
Yes, that last one is spelled correctly. I just googled it to check ;o)
Thanks, Douglas. I love Blue Gal! Will look into your ideas after checking the dictionary!
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